Category: friends
Feels Like Home to Me
A lot of times, when my Timehop comes up with blog posts of days past, I remember exactly what they were by the title. Some days, like today, though, I’m ...
Memory Lane
Last night as we talked in the car on the way to (and from) dinner, we found ourselves reminiscing over the memories of the last 14+ years. We sang songs from h...
Plug In & Pour In
Some days going is really easy. The days that we close on our house or feel at home in the little house on the hill. Those are easy. Yes, let’s go. Other ...
Bittersweet Ending
We ended the school year with a short program, family time, and a play day at school. I honestly can’t believe the year is already over–it seems lik...
Tuesday Ten: First World Problem Edition
1. I have my first open-water triathlon coming up. I’m nervous, but it’s a short swim. I figured I had to start somewhere. 2. Our child is obs...
Rules to Live By
Yesterday when I posted our photo saying we always stop at neighborhood lemonade stands, a friend replied, “What a good rule to live by!” Yes, yes i...
Baby Gray has been all about cascarones this Easter season. So, naturally, we had to figure out a little treat for his class so he could share some. I have had ...