Just a Season
In so many ways, I feel so behind in this space. I feel like I am not giving it the attention I always have. In the past five years (FIVE YEARS next month), I h...
In so many ways, I feel so behind in this space. I feel like I am not giving it the attention I always have. In the past five years (FIVE YEARS next month), I h...
The shower. It’s where I go to retreat and think. No one disturbs me. I can pray, cry, laugh, sing, talk, reflect, whatever I need to do, and it’s t...
I’ve learned quite a bit about myself since we’ve moved. Some good. Some not so good. I was convicted when I read this little piece this morni...
1. I lost my largest skillet at some point in the move. It’s just gone. Lost forever (or something like that). I don’t even know what to think. Who ...
It’s the Fourth of July. I’m home in a quite house; the boys are at work. It’s so different from the Fourths of our past, but it’s also ...
A lot of times, when my Timehop comes up with blog posts of days past, I remember exactly what they were by the title. Some days, like today, though, I’m ...