This year, I went with a word instead of a list of goals. I liked it. It encompassed many areas of my life.
Some days were easy. Some days were hard. There were tears of joy and tears of pain. (Did I just re-write the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities?) Just reading through all my posts tagged go brings up so many emotions and thoughts from the year. I remember the place I was in as I wrote each post. I remember the times I was in bed typing through tears and the times I scribbled prayers into my journal that turned into posts. It’s been quite a year of transition for us, and I actually found one post that I had forgotten about that completely foreshadows the word I’ve chosen for 2015. (Stay tuned for that tomorrow.)
2014 logged lots prayers, memories, firsts, and lasts. It’s a year I won’t ever forget, and a year that helped me grow.
A few of my favorite memories:
- Annie’s 60th surprise party
- California with Mr. Gray
- Being done, done, and done with half marathons!
- The South Carolina upset
- My 30th birthday party
- Selling our home (finally)
- Starting Purpose Box
A few of my favorite posts:
Wrapped in Pretty Paper
Time Travelin’
Today I Do Not Turn 30
The Next Big Step
Happy Wife, Happy Life
Just So Grateful
A few of my favorite photos:
We wish you a very happy New Year, and a 2015 filled with blessings!
I really do like this idea. Can't wait to hear what your word is for 2015.
We did the one word concept as a church this year. Pastor Marcus is reteaching the concept in January 2015. The series is called Refocus All sermons are posted on the website if you are interested.