Pink Hair, Don’t Care
1. I lost my largest skillet at some point in the move. It’s just gone. Lost forever (or something like that). I don’t even know what to think. Who ...
1. I lost my largest skillet at some point in the move. It’s just gone. Lost forever (or something like that). I don’t even know what to think. Who ...
1. I’m almost thirty years old, and when I get home from the beach, my mom still asks me if I got sunburned. What she means to ask is if I put on su...
1. I know you’re all waiting to see whether or not I drowned during my first open water swim. I promise I’m going to let you know, but it’ll b...
1. I have my first open-water triathlon coming up. I’m nervous, but it’s a short swim. I figured I had to start somewhere. 2. Our child is obs...
1. Yep, I’m a hippie. I’ve got essential oils on my kid, in a diffuser, and working to absorb odors in our [really stinky] outdoor refrigerator. I w...
1. The kitchen is finished! 2. The electricians will be getting me “more electricity” this week! 3. The dog hates it here. 4. Closing da...