Ten, ten, ten!
I’m not good with the weekly posts, but sometimes I think they’re fun. Like today. I think I’m going with the Tuesday 10 again. 1. It’s ...
I’m not good with the weekly posts, but sometimes I think they’re fun. Like today. I think I’m going with the Tuesday 10 again. 1. It’s ...
I have a friend who does a Tuesday Ten, and today it’s just the thing to do. Seems like a good day to get a jumble of things all in one place. 1. I am so ...
One thing I have always wanted to do is work on a home for Habitat for Humanity. After this weekend, I can cross it off my list. Thanks, Revolution, for getting...
Baby Gray spends a lot of time with his teachers on Sundays. Our Rev Kids volunteers are amazing; and I always want them to know how much we appreciate all they...
We had such a fun weekend! It’s unusual that we have things to do without running around with too much to do, so I tried to just enjoy and soak it all up....
Friday night, we had our big volunteer party for church: Prom of All Ages. Basically, pick your decade, get dressed up, and come have a blast. I went for a mode...
It’s no secret I don’t love WalMart. The problem comes when I find things I feel compelled to buy in WalMart. I’m a sucker for cute packaging....
Sometimes you just have to eat cake for lunch. Apparently it’s also advisable to wear it on your pants when you’re done. Yesterday was incredible at...
When I ran my first half, I was over the moon. It’s not something I ever thought I would be able to do. I thought I was going to run another last October,...
Just a quick preface: I am totally on board with Matthew 6:16, “When you fast, don’t make it obvious…” in general. Since we were fasting...