I have a friend who does a Tuesday Ten, and today it’s just the thing to do. Seems like a good day to get a jumble of things all in one place.
1. I am so excited about Montreal with our team in a few days! I’ve never been anywhere like it, and I don’t know much about it, so I keep asking Mr. Gray silly questions about the whole thing (he hasn’t been there, either). You’d think I’d never heard of the internet.
2. My big-talkin’ boy actually did mutton bustin’ Friday! I was so excited. I didn’t really think he’d do it. Full recap tomorrow.
3. I have always talked in my sleep, but apparently, I’m also walking or something in my sleep now, too. Mr. Gray said I wasn’t in bed part of last night. I don’t remember anything. Nice. Sorry in advance, Montreal roomie.
4. One of my favorite pairs of fall shoes has a seam that’s pulling loose, and I thought I’d use the summer to get them fixed. I never did. It’s almost time to start wearing them again. Here’s to hoping I get them to the shoe hospital. Stat.
5. I don’t ever turn my phone ringer on. Ever. I hate that there is no way to set it to vibrate only as the ringtone (you can for all the other alerts). Then when I have to turn audio on to view something and accidentally forget to turn it back off I wouldn’t have to jump out of my skin upon hearing the accidental ringer. PS, if you know how to override that, leave me a comment or shoot me an email.
6. I filled out all of Baby Gray’s preschool paperwork last night. It would have been so nice to have some of the liberties these teachers have (it’s a private school) when I was teaching. I kept reading sections aloud to Mr. Gray in awe.
7. I can’t believe he’s going to preschool! Where on earth has the time gone? I didn’t think I’d be one of those moms, but the closer it gets, I’m convinced I just might be.
8. I’ve been getting up at 4:50 Mondays and Wednesdays to get a quick run in and do a little yoga before Baby Gray gets up, and I love it. It’s early, but it’s a great addition to my routine those days.
9. Only eighteen days to Fightin’ Texas Aggie Football! Whoop! I’m ready! Well, except for that whole noon game part. Whose idea was that, anyway?
10. Does anyone else hear Varsity’s Blues‘ Billy Bob anytime they think of the number ten? It’s not a good one to have in your head. Inappropriate.