Category: baking
Let’s Go Plant Some Rainbows!
Somehow St. Patrick’s Day keeps turning into kind of a big deal around here. Last year, we made St. Patrick’s Day cupcakes. (Be sure you click back ...
She Thinks She’s All That Because She’s So Popular
Actual words spoken by one of the girls I used to babysit. Words to live by. Really, though, check out what was most popular for The Gray Matters in 2013. ...
Pat-A-Cake, Pat-A-Cake, Baker’s Man
One of my favorite things about being home with Baby Gray is that we can try pretty much anything he wants to try. This weekend, he decided he wanted to make cu...
Hands Off the Chocolate!
I’ll modify many things when I bake. Chocolate is not usually one of them. Don’t mess with my chocolate. Something about this muffin recipe made me ...
Good Enough for Me!
Long ago, in a land called Panera, I fell in love with pumpkin muffins. I fell hard–making every excuse I could think of to drive the 30+ miles to get one...
I Know the Muffin Man
I’ve been slackin’ on the recipe front lately, but it’s not because I haven’t been cooking. It’s just because I haven’t been...