1. Last month, I challenged myself to drink at least 64 ounces of water per day for thirty days. I just completed the thirtieth day, and I do not look or feel any different. I suppose it’s a good habit to have, though. (Please note: I’m clearly not good a progress photos. Oops!)
2. The boy watched Charlotte’s Web for the first time today. I can’t wait to read the book with him.
3. Speaking of reading, are you planning to read Go Set a Watchman? I was on the fence until I read this article, and now I want to read it.
4. Did I already share my aha moment? If you haven’t yet, go watch. Really.
5. We had two more birds fly in the chimney last night. Mr. Gray’s first reaction? Get them out. Mine? Broadcast live on Periscope! (Do you follow me? the_graymatters)
6. I saw a post on Facebook yesterday about limiting technology to T days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. I really love that! We have cut back to in the car only, and it has made a tremendous difference.
7. I’m officially obsessed with Amelia dresses from LuLaRoe. It’s bad. I want all the patterns. They have pockets. Check out my friend Laura’s Insta here to get one for yourself.
8. Birthday party planning for the boy is in full swing–I love planning a celebration for him!
9. My hair gets more and more grey all the time. I wonder when it’s time to embrace that. Isn’t grey in style right now?
10. I wish I had a Pazookie from BJ’s right now. That would be delicious. (Yes, on the tails of my off-beat dancing video on Facebook, I want a cookie and ice cream. That’s definitely me.)
I listened to the first chapter of Go Set a Watchman (read by Reese Witherspoon) and liked it… plus I read several articles about the book in the WSJ. But then I read so many bad reviews about the book, I decided not to get it after all.