One of my goals for this year is to spend at least one night a week with Mr. Gray. We jumped right in the first week of the year with a date weekend–take that, date night! We even threw in Friday (which also happened to be our twelve-year-going-out-aversary) to boot!
We headed north, checked into our hotel, and tailgated all afternoon before heading to pick a little Cotton at Jerry World.
About the time we were walking into the stadium, I got this little jewel.
I can guarantee you he picked that outfit himself. The kid loves his Aggies!
In we went! We were hoping for a better turnout than the last few appearances in Dallas.
A better turnout we got!
The awards presentation left a little to be desired, but the numbers on the scoreboard certainly didn’t!
Saturday, Mr. Gray planned a surprise day for us. We ate, we shopped, and then we went to Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth followed by dinner at Del Frisco’s–one of my absolute favorites! It was a perfect day; he planned it with me in mind for sure!
The trip back to the hotel was pretty exciting; I didn’t check the map and sent us on our merry way–to OKLAHOMA! No, really. We got as far as Denton. Yikes! Definitely the longest wrong turn I’ve ever taken. We finally made it back, with plenty of time to rest up for church and a little lunch before heading south.
While we were en route, Annie took Baby Gray to shake hands and hug babies at Jax’s birthday party. I’m so grateful Bean sent this while they were there.
This photo is so him. It embodies everything about him. I love it. I loved this weekend.