+ Oh, remember the time we went to see Santa? In December? Yeah, about that. Look how cute he is.
Craziest part of that trip was realizing that he’ll be in kindergarten next year, and we won’t be able to go during the week “when everyone is at school.” Crowds, here we come.
+ We made our almost-annual trip to Kingsville Saturday for the very last peewee pig show (how do these nephews of mine keep getting so old?). Once again, we have a winner!
+ I miss this space. I need to make more time to be in it; I enjoy writing, connecting, sharing. I want to do more here. I have a big rebrand in the works in hopes that it’ll help me get back to this space.
+ Our seventh Purpose Box is on sale now; we have been shipping boxes a whole year! Seems so bizarre! Here’s to many more!
+ Instagram has kind of been eating my blog. It’s a good, quick space to share thoughts right from my phone. Like this:
+ Our trip to the snow was so fun! I can’t wait for next year. The best part? Skiing in actual snowfall–that was a first for me, and I loved it!
+ Ohhhhh–I’ve been meaning to share about a fun little boutique I found: The Charming Moose (Facebook, Instagram). You shop from the comfort of your home every other Tuesday, and then a cute pink envelope shows up in your mailbox with your goodies a few days later. I love my maroon floppy hat, and I can’t live without my olive tunic. (I mean, seriously, I rarely wear things closer together than a week apart, but I wore this three days one week! AHHH!)
+ A home tour. You asked, and it’s coming. Yes, a home tour is coming soon. Sorry to make you wait, but I was waiting on the boy’s new bed, which arrived Friday. Now to get it all up here!