You know those times when you just need to make your own party? Turns out $1.50 on a package of party hats is just the fix.
At Baby Gray’s insistence, we took our own hats to Shooby’s birthday party (and subsequently left them in the car until the party was over).
We’ve had several kitchen parties.
And sometimes one party is just not enough.
Also, it’s imperative that when others come over, you make them wear a party hat as well. It doesn’t matter their age or hair status. In the door, hat on. I wish I had captured all the faces that were in these hats this week, but these will have to do. Besides that, this week was either really boring or really busy ’cause this is all the fashion we got! (Note: he is wearing a full football “uniform” in the last photo; that’s gotta count for something.)
Heehee….that last photo. So cute!