Turn Him Up

Sometimes my days blur together a little. I don’t always know the 14th from the 20th or Wednesday from Friday. On our trip this weekend, I was acutely aware of the day, but not the date. A little more than half-way home, I noticed it was the seventh. I was pretty glad it snuck up on me; that way it didn’t take over my day. A few miles down the road, I saw a city limit sign with a name that was no surprise for the seventh. 

We made our way home, and I got in the car alone to get Baby Gray from Annie’s house. As I cranked my Jeep, without missing a beat, the speakers played loudly the song from the hospital. The song that is so full of God’s promise. 


God is good, faithful, and completely wrapped up in the details. Sometimes He is in so tightly we don’t even notice it until much later. Sometimes it’s as blatant as the song on the radio. Open the sunroof, turn up the volume, and listen to Him speak into your life.

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