Each Sunday, Baby Gray brings home an activity page that tells us what Bible Story they discussed, and what verse they are focusing on that week (no photo because this week’s is destroyed–thanks, Baby Gray). Parents also have a reminder on the RevKids door with a discussion question and the focus verse.
I love being able to ask him about what he learned and help further his understanding. We had some leftover chalkboard paint from a previous project, so I grabbed a canvas (also a leftover–read: free chalkboard) and made a spot for us to put his verse each week and discuss it at meal times.
I made it one night when Baby Gray was asleep, and the first thing he said when we came in for breakfast was, “Look, Mommy!” as he pointed to the verse. It was the perfect segue into what the board was and our first run through with the verse.
In less than four hours with it in the kitchen (and less time than that for Baby Gray to be in the kitchen), he already knows bits and pieces of the verse and reminds me it’s there to read to him. We talk about what each word means and what it means for him in real life.
I’m loving this new addition to our routine.