Zippity Zoo Da

Put a check mark next to “visit the zoo” for Baby Gray! He’s added the zoo to his list of firsts. 

We swung through New Braunfels to pick up MommaBranam and BB (thanks for inviting us). We got to San Antonio while the weather was still cool, albeit muggy and humid. The slightly cooler weather made the animals a little more chipper than they are in the hot Texas afternoons. The boys were ready to roll when we got there. BB was telling us what kinds of animals he saw while Baby Gray played with his keys and links. 

My favorite animal is the okapi. San Antonio has two: one is in a high-traffic area (it’s the prettier of the two) and the other is farther back. I couldn’t get a photo of the pretty one; too many people were crowded around when we came by. Baby Gray loved playing with his keys and links near the okapi pen (and everywhere else). Baby Gray did like the fish we saw. He saw some below him from a deck and some in aquariums as we walked through exhibits. He enjoyed both, and it was really the only time any of the animals caught his eye. As alert as he has been lately, I was kind of surprised.
After a few hours, we wrapped up our trip to the zoo. I snapped a quit shot as we exited, just for memory’s sake (too bad I didn’t put the stroller in the center of the sign or center the shot at all). Baby Gray was looking a little tired, but hanging in there. 
We walked the last steps to the car, and I looked down to get Baby Gray out of his stroller and into the carseat. Crashed. Too much fun at the zoo!


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