One of my favorite past times with Mr. Gray is going to watch him play baseball. When we started dating, he was playing baseball almost year-round between select ball and the high school team. He played a season in college before deciding it wasn’t for him. I still joke that he has eligibility and should go try-out somewhere again.
This weekend was the Alumni Game where the current high school team competes against the has-beens alumni. Mr. Gray has played every year since he graduated, except the year he was playing college ball. Usually he starts throwing and hitting a few weeks in advance to get ready. This year, between classes and Baby Gray, there just wasn’t time.
He headed to the game cold (we thought he was going to run the 5K with me that morning, but it was rainy, so he and Baby Gray had to sit out). They threw and hit before the game, but nothing like what he usually does. He said he felt pretty good that day. (I won’t tell you how he felt for the days that followed.) I always love getting to see him play again. It’s his love; where he loves to be.
I pretended like I was going to to shoot with my camera on manual, but I went with the sport mode instead. Manual was too risky; I might miss something! I took tons more photos, but I won’t bore you with those.
This pretty much sums up Baby Gray’s opinion of the game: he loved being outside, and he spent the afternoon exploring the things around him. Here, he’s checking out Nonna’s chair. He was feeling the arm rest, looking underneath it, pulling on it, you name it. Silly boy! I can’t wait until his “gear” involves more than a polo shirt with a baseball monogrammed on the chest! (Don’t worry, we’ll still love him if he doesn’t want to play baseball, just maybe not as much.)
Last one, promise (unless, of course, you would like to see others).