It’s not often that I get through a week without a question or two about our adoption. Where are we in the process? Are we on a list of some sort? Do we have any idea how long we are waiting? Is there anything I can do to help?
Where are we in the process?
Well, we are still very much in a place of waiting. Our homestudy has been signed, sealed, delivered, basically just meaning that we are approved to adopt in the state of Texas. This is pretty much the first step in any adoption, and it’s needed for a private, domestic adoption like we feel called to. So that’s done. Check mark.
Are we on a list of some sort?
No. We are not pursuing an adoption through CPS, a consultant group, or an agency at this point, so no, we are not on any sort of list or registry. Our homestudy completion does not put us on any sort of list, either. We are in no man’s land as far as any formal list, but we still feel like we are walking out the route we are called to walk. (The follow up question here is, how do people find you to know you’re adopting? The answer: you guys. Word of mouth is huge. We have seen it work.)
Do we have any idea how long we are waiting?
Again, no. We have absolutely no idea how long we are waiting. We could find out as soon as a birth mother finds out, or we could find out when a baby is already born in a hospital. Your guess is as good as ours here.
What can I do to help?
We get this one, too, and it’s so heartwarming. You can pray. That is the best way to come alongside us while we’re waiting. You can think of us when you hear of a mother considering placing a child. Should you tell her we are adopting? Yes. This part of our story is up for sharing. It’s how our child will get to us. It’s why I share this kind of stuff for the world to see. You can partner with us financially. Some friends started a fundraiser for us (talk about blown away), and if you feel called to be part of the story, that’s another way to help.
We have loved living and adventuring as a family of three. We can’t wait for our newest family member to join us–whenever that might be!
“The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.” –Lamentations 3:25