1. We’ll start with the big new: the boy was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes last Tuesday. I’ll share the story soon, but for now, we are settling in, doing well, and incredibly grateful for the amazing team of doctors we are working with.
2. Also new? The boy is five. Five years old. I cannot believe it. That’s half a decade.
3. A new Purpose Box will soon be on its way to your door. Yes, yours, if you go order now–don’t wait or they’ll be gone. Click here. I’ll wait.
4. I am anxiously awaiting the new video for Purpose Box. It should be ready to roll in the next day or so, and I can’t wait to share.
5. I started a new book, Everybody Rise, and I’m not sure I’m into it yet. What are you reading?
6. Our new football seats are pretty great. I just miss our football friends who usually sit near us. Maybe next year we will get back to our football folks.
7. It’s almost moving day! I can’t wait to get into our new house and make it our home! After some setbacks and issues, it’s almost a reality. I can hardly believe it.
8. People definitely got the memo about this Lego-crazed kiddo in our home. He got Lego sets for his birthday, Lego sets in the hospital, money for Legos on the way home from the hospital at the Lego Store. Legos everywhere! Thank goodness he puts them together quickly and then they’re less crazy. He can’t stop showing me all his new sets and characters. (I know, mini-figs.)
9. We started getting a new subscription box, Tinker Crate, a month or so ago. We have really enjoyed it. It’s a nice change from the ones that just come with toys and things–it’s something to do. Use this link to get $10 off!
10. Word on the street is that my boy George has a new concert series and will be hitting the stage in Las Vegas. Who’s going with me? (Just a reminder of how I act when I see George live and in-person.)