1. I think the #write31days challenge helped me loosen up a little on my need to be in this space every weekday. I don’t have to be here every weekday. I can be here when my heart is in it, which is most of the time, without feeling like it’s a have-to. I love that. (See my #write31days posts here.)
2. I love #fridayintroductions on Instagram. So fun. Plus, I love this photo from the wedding we went to this weekend, and it was a great reason to post it.
Speaking of Instagram, did you know you can edit captions now? Did you hear me? YOU CAN EDIT CAPTIONS NOW! Rejoice!
3. The three of us are actually making a football game as a family this weekend. It’s only the second game of the season that we will all attend together. We have been way more scarce at Kyle Field than I would like this year. #BTHOmizzou
4. I talked about it on Facebook this morning, but I loved the episode of Jamie Ivey‘s Happy Hour podcast with Jamie Wright, or as you probably know her, Jamie the Very Worst Missionary. It was perfect for my drive yesterday evening. Consider that my #followfriday.
5. My child is in Lego love. So much love for the little, tiny, poky toys. How long does this stage last? #boymama