#SheSharesTruth | Jonah 1-2

Friday brings another chance to share with #SheReadsTruth. Up this week, we’ve got Jonah 1-2.

Can you imagine? Can you even imagine–being thrown overboard, sinking, sinking, sinking, and then being swallowed up by a fish? I can’t. I certainly don’t think the first place my mind would go would be to thanking God. I’d be a terrified, doubting wreck.

But we’ve all been in the belly of a fish, haven’t we? It might have looked like cancer, a bad car accident, the loss of a loved one, or some other rock bottom, but we’ve all been there.

Thankfully, there’s good news! With our God, there’s always good news! He pulls us up from the pit! The grabs us from the mouth of the fish, scoops us into His loving arms, and rescues us. Every. Single. Time.


As we’re sinking through the ocean and being swallowed up by a fish, we may not see God’s bigger plan. It’s there. Spoiler alert: He always wins in the end.



  1. Thank goodness God wins and gets the victory! I know when I have been in the belly of the whale the last thing I think about doing is praising and thanking God. Something I need to work on! Thanks for the reminder πŸ™‚

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