In the past, I have set goals for the upcoming year and laid them all out nicely. Usually, if I made progress, it was early on, before I forgot about the goals (I’m just being honest here). I haven’t done a good job of keeping them at the forefront. 2014 is going to be a little different.
As I’ve started thinking about the upcoming year, I’ve really felt lead to choose a word instead of making a list of check-off items. Go. In so many senses of the word, go. God has placed on my heart that it is time to go: to go back to our hometown; to go from our church where we have grown and learned so much; to go instead of always being a sender; I mean, I’ve even felt called to go running.
I teetered back and forth between go and no. As I was working my way through which to make my focus, Mr. Gray asked the question, “Why go instead of no? It seems either would be a good fit for you.” The fact is, no is not always something that comes easy to me, but it comes a lot easier than going. Being a go-er rather than a sender is something I feel God preparing me for. It is a much larger step out of my comfort zone, but it is something that seems to be a recurring theme.
Photos by KLB Ranch Photography
Interested in seeing where this year takes your family!
Every year on my birthday I take a long walk and listen for God. Years ago, I started hearing one word over and over during those walks and I decided to use that as a theme for the coming year (birthday to birthday). This year my word was HOPE. Sound like you have your word!
Great post! Love the idea of using the word Go!!
That's a great idea! Yes, I have felt very called to this word.
Thanks! Sometimes going is scary, but it's always worth it to step out in faith!
love it! your passion and devotion to God is really inspiring! š
I love this. What a great idea (and a beautifully written post).