Ten Years

Friday evening, I sat in the stands of our hometown football field and watched my oldest nephew graduate. I’m so proud of him and the young man he has become.


I couldn’t help but think how cool it is for so many of us in our family to have walked that same field–with me being the last until now. I don’t feel like it’s been ten years since it was me. I’m pretty sure I’m not old enough for that. I remember where I sat, what I wore, who I sat by (how could I forget that? It was so much drama). I don’t for a second want to go back, nor do I by any means think high school was the best time of my life. I love the things I’ve learned and grown through since that time. I love where I am now. That’s all I can pray for T (and the rest of those kids, too–I’ve watched them grow up as well): that they will be able to look back in ten years and be proud of where they are and where they came from.


We headed to celebrate afterward, and had a great time. Baby Gray ate his weight in sugary junk food and tried on every prop in the photo booth (Aunt Carrie is always prepared with the props).


By the way, I’ve always been told it’s weird that we graduate on our football field. Where did you graduate?

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