I have always wanted (well, since we went to Sand Bar when I was barely pregnant) to go to the Pearl Farmer’s Market in San Antonio. The Pearl Brewery area is so stinkin’ cool; they have some neat shops and a handful of restaurants. On Saturday mornings, they have a farmer’s market, too. I just couldn’t justify driving to San Antonio specifically for a farmer’s market.
Luckily, my husband is an awesome person who donates platelets at the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center in San Antonio some Saturday mornings. We don’t usually go with him, but since we were headed to San Marcos Saturday afternoon, Baby Gray and I went with him this time. We dropped him off for his donation and headed to Pearl.
After we perused the market, Baby Gray and I headed to the grassy area overlooking the river to play. Many other children were on the grass, and Baby Gray went to each blanket and stroller checking out their snack supply. All the while, he was eating a ginormous piece of gingerbread I bought for myself from the market.
After he devoured the gingerbread, we loaded back up in the stroller to go check out the Gingerbread Design Challenge that was going on inside.
We checked out all the gingerbread creations until Baby Gray spotted a sample of the gingerbread they were using–then it was back to eating!
Once Mr. Gray was finished with his donation, we headed back to get him so we could go to Dr. C’s to watch some football. Unfortunately, it took quadruple overtime to lose it this time. Hang in there, Ags!