Shooby turned three (yes, three; I think I might cry) July 1st. She’s a great big three year old! We celebrated this weekend at her joint birthday party with CW.
Baby Gray was asleep when we got there, so we set up the pack ‘n play in Shooby’s room for him to finish his nap. Ha. Yeah, right. He knew there was a party goin’ on out there. No nap for this guy…
Instead, Baby Gray turned into Mr. Grumpy Pants for the beginning portion of the party. Maybe he was crying because I let him be white trash and swim in only his swim diaper (at least it was a swim diaper, right?). I guess I’ll never know.
White trash or not, once he got his pink towel and some milk from his new Podee
bottle (thanks, Honey) he was good to go for the afternoon! He had a blast!
Shooby and CW had the cutest dirt cake! If you look really closely, you can see the flames on Shooby’s candles starting to bend from her blowing–so cute! Poor CW was too far back, in the photos that follow this (yes, I snapped the whole process with Sport Mode and have 10-15 photos of the birthday cake portion of the party, your point?) CW gets up on his knees to reach the candles and blow them all out!
Not only was the cake cute, it was delish! Baby Gray even got to try some (Bean owes me a few sneaky dessert bites from the past three years). I wasn’t fast enough with the photo of the chocolate mouth; Baby Gray pushed and wiped all the crumbs into his mouth!
Jax enjoyed the ice cream sandwiches! (Aren’t his glasses the cutest?)
We don’t have many photos that actually have all three of us, so when Bean was borrowing my camera to snap a few shots, I enlisted her for a family photo as well. I’m lovin’ Baby Gray’s white trash look–and his mouth full of cheese!
I tried to get Baby Gray to go into the bounce house with Mr. Gray, but he wasn’t having any of that! He started screaming before I even got him to the door. Instead, I snapped a few photos of Shooby and her daddy having a blast at her birthday party. This was one of my favorites!
Happy, happy birthday, Miss Shooby! I love you TONS!