Saturday morning, completely forgetting the fact that we had tons of fresh vegetables from Pops & Nonna, Baby Gray and I walked down to the farmer’s market on the square. As we walked, I noticed two ladies standing on the corner of the block ahead of us. They were both smoking. I didn’t want to walk Baby Gray through the smoke, so I tried to think of the best way to avoid them without being offensive.
Before I could act on anything, though, one of the ladies saw me. She immediately put out her cigarette and told the other lady that a baby was coming down the street. She got the cigarette put out and waved the smoke away from herself and the sidewalk area we would walk through. The other lady did not put her cigarette out, but she walked a quarter of the block or so away from us.
When I reached the lady, I thanked her for her courtesy. She was very sweet, speaking kind words to Baby Gray in Spanish as we talked. She quickly, quickly touched his toes, which I accounted to the whole ”ojo” thing (I don’t remember all the details, but I think that was what was going on). I loved how she would speak to him in Spanish and then tell me what she said. It was such a great experience, the entire thing.
We went to the farmer’s market, and they were about ready to pack it up for the day. I got a few eggplants and some HUGE zucchini. Then I got home and saw all the other fresh veggies we had. We built this week’s menu around our produce. I’ll write soon about what I did with all the veggies!