This weekend kicked of the 2010 Fightin’ Texas Aggie Football season! I am so glad it started on a holiday weekend so I could get into the swing of things…
As usual, everyone fell right into their roles at the tailgate and the game. I took “Cheater Chip Cookies” as my contribution this weekend. The weather was wonderful, thank goodness. Mr. Gray and I had planned on me going to watch the live feed at the Alumni Center if it had been too hot, but I was able to stay the whole game.
The first game always gives me chills… I love being at Kyle!
The game wasn’t too terribly exciting (although a win is a win; we’ll take it) so we played with the camera on my phone for a while… I’ll spare you too many of these, though.
Thank goodness it was cool enough for me to stay! I would have been sad to miss the game.
We got home mid-day Sunday, and were able to get things finished up in Baby Gray’s room as well as get my bag and the baby’s bag packed and put into the car.
Today we had a few errands to run, but, mostly, we were looking for a rug for the office/art room and a rug for Baby Gray’s room. We were able to find both, and we got those put in when we got back.
If you look at the top of the photo, you can see the camera for his monitor… that thing is cool! Aunt Nancy got Mr. Gray & I the super high-tech one that has both the handheld screen and the screen that goes by the bed. It’s pretty cool.
His room is really coming together… I can’t wait to put him in it!
This photo doesn’t actually do the rug in this room justice. It’s a perfect match for the style of this room. The black design on the white is framed up by a green border around the whole thing–perfect!
Basically, our bags are packed, and we’re ready to go when our little man is ready to get here. We can’t wait to meet him, and we’ve had so much fun getting ready for him! In the meantime, we’ll just watch Aggie football!
LOVE the yellow stripes with the dark brown!!
You're making me feel so behind. My goal is to be done with his room this week. Well, as done as we can be with what we've got. 🙂
Oh, and bags packed… you go girl! I better get on that so I don't forget!