
It seemed innocent enough. At a local vintage sale earlier in 2015, I purchased a bunting that said, “GATHER.” It was simple, festive enough for Thanksgiving in my scantily-clad living room, and the right color scheme. I purchased it, took it home, and forgot about it. (This is not an uncommon occurrence for me.)

A few weeks later, and possibly the night before Thanksgiving, I remembered the bunting. I retrieved it from its bag and hung it up. I stood back from the mantle and gave it a once-over to see if it was centered. Of course, it wasn’t. I adjusted and looked to Mr. Gray for guidance (his spatial reasoning is much better than mine).

All at once, it hit me. Gather. That would be my word for 2016.

For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” –Matthew 18:20

This home we built is a place for us to gather with friends. A church home is a place to gather and glorify Christ. I want to gather with family. Gather in prayer. Gather those who are lost and hurting and bind them to Jesus. I take great honor in being able to play a small part in that transformation. As I have thought more and more about gathering, I think more and more about how God has gathered me. He has mended my broken hearts; applied salve to my wounds. He has shown me how to share a grace that could only come from Him. He has given me words when I had none. He has truly molded and shaped me into who I am today and equipped me to face my day-to-day. He has gathered me into Him and given me grace, peace, abundance. I am able to gather and give out of the overflow. And that’s my ultimate goal.
So here’s to 2016, let’s gather ’round for some coffee, supper, laughter, and fun!



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