Ten is Really All I Can Manage

It seems as though all I’ve got lately are lists. And I think I’m okay with that. It keeps me from missing things (I do actually look back at what I’ve written), and it helps me feel like I’m here–even though I’m kind of not. I miss this space and regularity. I miss writing and sharing what God’s giving me through different seasons. As much as I miss it, though, this just isn’t the season for it, and I’m trying to be okay with that. So, here I am, with another list.

1. I actually washed and dried things all in one day in a couple of different instances this week. With the outside utility room, I thought this had become a thing of my past. I am glad to see I maybe have a few things together, after all.

2. Last week the boy bought some Legos to share with children who don’t have many toys or extra things. I am proud of him for picking things he loves and sharing them. Now to get them delivered. I hope he will always be this generous.

3. The crews are finishing at the house in next two weeks or so. We still have some of our own projects we need to finish before actually making the big move, but it’s getting closer!


4. Sometimes 24 hour customer service lines come in really handy.

5. When God gives you a peace about something, it truly is a “peace beyond all understanding.” I love the way He is working on my heart through this transition time. We have seen so many cool things come to fruition just in this waiting season–with promises of many more.


6. I’m itching for a vacation; I just need to have a little more stability with houses, moves, and the like before I line anything up. Where’s your favorite vacation spot? 

7. Football season seems so close, yet so far away. I’m ready to see the new Kyle Field, settle into our new seats, and hopefully have a great season!

8. I love running into my kiddos from tutoring in town this summer! They are all so cute when they see me in a different setting–and with turquoise hair!

9.  When we saw the Rolling Stones, they played a George Strait song. A friend saw Garth Brooks this weekend, and he played a George Strait song. I guess it’s no wonder they call him King George.

Rolling Stones

10. My mom met Crosby last night (you know, from Parenthood). Also, if you haven’t watched Parenthood yet, hop over to your nearest Netflix subscription and cancel everything you have planned for the next few days. I’m gonna miss that one.


  1. I was on a late night call with a customer service rep; I rarely get things accomplished during business hours. My hair is in a couple of previous posts as well as on Instagram/Facebook. Yes, she was pumped to meet him–she just started watching the show.

  2. Yes to pictures of your hair! You can't say something like that and then not post a picture…my friends and I always say, picture or it didn't happen 🙂 I love Parenthood…so glad it's on Netflix, I still hadn't watched the series finale, and last night our DVR got wiped clean…queue the tears, okay not really, but I lost a lot of shows that I really like and don't want to watch on my laptop, BOO!

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