Oh, it’s Tuesday? Now that we don’t have school keeping our routine afloat, I’m having trouble with keeping my days straight. Anyone else?
1. I tried a new workout class at the gym today. It wasn’t quite as intense as I’d like. Maybe I’ll give it another go sometime, but if I’m going to go all the way to town to workout, I want it to be harder than what I’d do at home.
2. The house is moving right along. They tore our yard up all day yesterday, which translates to electricity and water being hooked up now. It’s all about to come together; it seems so surreal.
3. We have our anniversary trip coming up this weekend. It now contains a work trip, a triathlon, a Rolling Stones concert, and some Aggie Baseball. It’s evolved from our simple getaway quite quickly. (Two weekends in a row with Aggie Baseball; that’s some sort of record. Also, be forewarned, there will probably be lots of photos on social media of all this gallivanting around.)
4. I may or may not have already used one of my items out of the next Purpose Box. It was too cute to wait for. I guess that’s what happens when you’re the one who’s housing the goods. (Also, my goal was for them to sell out Sunday, and they sold out Saturday. Hooray!)
5. My phone screen is messed up, so the proximity sensor doesn’t work correctly. Now I wear my Bluetooth anytime I’m going to talk on the phone (even in the house). You don’t have to tell me how cool I am.
6. We signed the boy up for the summer reading program at the library this morning. Maybe we’ll actually remember to go fill it out this year; last year I don’t think we added a single book to the list.
7. I am ready for a beach trip. Where’s your favorite beach? (See also: I really want to check out the “beach” at Lake Tahoe sometime and do some hiking while we’re there.)
8. Where does one go to procure the little plastic zipper baggies like jewelry comes in sometimes?
9. We saw baby ducks when we went to the Pitch Perfect Quote-A-Long at Alamo Drafthouse a few weeks ago. They waddled across in the street and into the pond. It was the cutest thing. When we came back for Pitch Perfect 2, they were teenager ducks. I’ve never seen such a thing! I loved it.
10. Graduation was last weekend, and my second of four nephews graduated. It always makes me feel old when they move to new milestones.
Also, graduation always makes me think of this photo.
I was thinking last week it was Friday and it was Wednesday. Time just seems to get away from me.