Tuesday Ten: Random Edition

I find that when I’m missing big chunks around here I just slap it all in a Tuesday Ten. It seems to work. Sometimes I just have random thoughts to throw out there. Again, this works.

1. My friends are the funniest. It won’t let me embed it here, but trust me, go watch right here. How do you pull teeth?

2. We have a couple of fun weekend trips coming up, just Mr. Gray and me. They both involve races, but we’ll have some date nights and time to just hang out before and after. I’m excited!

3. The boy’s school performed at Pops and Nonna’s church two Sundays ago. It was so fun to watch him enjoying himself and being a leader. Kid performances are always funny!

4. As the school year winds down, I am trying to find ways to make this summer better than last. We had such a lack of routine last year, that I am dreading this year being the same. Here’s hoping I can get it figured out!

5. Two of my very best friends have had birthdays in the past week. It reminds me how grateful I am for the amazing people in my life, but also how much I love to celebrate with people.


6. I might be 30 years old, but every time I grocery shop late at night, I feel like I’m in college again. During my undergrad, there wasn’t much to do in town, so we would go to Walmart late at night and shop, look around, just kill time. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to shop at night without being taken back.

7. Another of my great friends wrote a children’s book. It comes out on Friday. You can pre-order or wait until then to purchase. I can’t wait to have a copy in my hand. (I pre-ordered; shop here–affiliate link.)

8. We chose our football tickets yesterday. Who’s ready for September? And why is our first game an away game?

9.  I am still reading Unbroken. I took a break, read some other books. I will finish, but man, is it a slow read for me. From where I am now, I can see the greatness in the story. (Anyone else doing #26BooksWithBringingUpBurns?)

10. I have a radio interview Monday for Purpose Box. I’m not sure when it will actually air, but I’ll keep you posted. It’s exciting! Thanks to everyone who has shared and spread the word!

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