1. I bought a paper planner. It’s taken some time to get used to. I didn’t know if I would like it or keep up with it; I’m so dependent on my iPhone. I really enjoy having things out in front of me and being able to plan for The Gray Matters, Purpose Box, work, and more. It helps me organize my time a little better.
2. I really love that every so often the boy will say, “I think we should go through these toys and get rid of the ones I don’t use anymore.” Really. I love it a lot. I also really love that he made this sign to welcome his daddy home from Haiti Saturday night.
3. Chapstick. Burt’s Bees. EOS. Nivea. So many options. Only one winner. For me, long-term, I always come back to Burt’s. That little yellow tube is where it’s at. What’s your favorite lip product?
4. I’ve been drinking hot lemon water in the evenings before bed. I didn’t know if it was making any difference, then I didn’t do it for a couple of days. I’m officially hooked. While I get ready for bed, I pop the mug under the Keurig; then I squeeze in half a lemon and add a drop of lemon oil.
5. And, of course, here are a few Fashion Friday goodies to help you make it through the weekend!
Nice shutter shades 😉