Most days, I enjoy dressing cute and looking all trendy-like. Some days, though? Not so much. Rarely do I post photos of myself here to tell folks all about what I wore (even when I happen to think I looked great). That’s not what this space is about.
However, I was falling into a bit of a yoga-pant-wearin’ slump a few weeks ago. I was even wearing them in public–regularly (and I don’t mean for working out). Yikes! The girl who was voted best dressed in high school (also me) probably never would have predicted that. Then I stumbled across this post. “Clothed in strength and dignity,” huh? Wow. I hadn’t thought of it that way. The post really convicted me–not because God cares what we wear, but because I feel better when I’m lookin’ cute! I am more productive. I am more confident. I am stronger. I am more dignified. I’d even argue I’m a better wife. I’ve definitely been known to call Mr. Gray during his work day to change dinner plans from at-home to out-on-the-town based on my outfit. Impromptu date night? Yes, please! Clothing can be a game changer.
I’m not saying it’s never okay to hang out at home with your toddler in your yoga pants. I’m just saying that for me, I don’t want it to be the norm.
Wow your outfit is SUPER cute! Love that top!
So glad you shared your new outlook! Have a great week!
love his outlook on getting dressed!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Love this post! And your top! I get into those sweatpant phases. Its so nice to come out of them!