I love to give gifts. I love picking out exactly the perfect item and then watching their face as they open it. My friends are always the most fun to do Christmas and birthdays for (I’ve also been known to give “just because”) since I know them so well.
I love when the inverse happens as well. Yesterday, Bean and I had lunch. We did Christmas after we ate, and the gift she got me was perfect.
See, I’ve been going back and forth about buying the Jesus Calling app on my iPhone (I promise this is pertinent). I don’t usually spend money on apps; maybe a dollar here and there but usually no more. Jesus Calling is $9.99. Wow. Way over my usual app budget. I downloaded the “lite” version and tried it out. I still wasn’t quite sold. (Mind you, had these been a bound book for $9.99, I’d have thought it was a great deal and never thought twice. Why is that?)
Back to lunch yesterday. I unwrapped a beautiful leather-bound book stamped with Jesus Calling in the cover. So exciting. Even better? Mojo (my “aunt name”) was stamped in it, too. The leather is gorgeous; the stamping it beautiful; the leather feels great in my hands.
The fact that the four of us (Honey and Cookie got them, too and Bean got one for herself) will be reading the same scriptures each morning will be such a great start to the day.