For as long as we have lived here, Mr. Gray and I have made our way to the pumpkin patch a few blocks from our house the first week it opened. In fact, the year Baby Gray was born, that was one of the first places we took him.
This year, our fall schedule has been beyond crazy busy. We have something pretty much every week night, football and church on the weekends, and not much time in between. After driving by and seeing the pumpkins the last few days, I finally broke down and asked Mr. Gray if the boy and I could go get pumpkins without him and go back for our family outing later. He kindly obliged (I think it was because he knew I’d want to get my fall boxes out without him that way and save him a trip to the attic) and Baby Gray and I set out on a pumpkin pilgrimage.
Every time we have driven by, Baby Gray has said, “Whoa!” or something similar, so I wasn’t sure what to expect when we actually got there. He was happily overwhelmed by all the pumpkins, and kept looking for the tiny ones, which he remembered from a book we’ve read.
We got plenty of tiny pumpkins, a few small ones, and one bigger one for the front porch (I saw some giant ones at Sam’s that caught my eye, so I’ll probably grab one or two of those as well). He was so happy with his selections. He held them and talked about them all the way home.
He got another pumpkin patch sticker this year–that makes three–but I don’t think this year’s will make it to a scrapbook. He loved it pretty well this afternoon.
When we got home, I ventured into the attic for the fall boxes so Baby Gray could help me decorate. I let him pick where different things went; he thought it was the best thing! It gave us an opportunity to talk about which items he could touch and play with and which ones he couldn’t. I think I’ve found my Christmas strategy as well.
I love our little family tradition, and I can’t wait to go back with Mr. Gray!