Today we’re preparing for a wedding. It’s time for me to get that giddy party planning giggle going on and go play wedding coordinator/friend/ring bearer’s mom/old-lady-bridesmaid (also known as matron of honor… who chose that name?).
Actually, I pulled out my wedding coordinator voice a time or two earlier this week, and LC said, “I’m sure glad you’re on my team in all of this.” Yeah. I need to reel it in sometimes (I will do better than I did at Aunt B’s wedding; that was a goal of mine). My wedding coordinator voice is much nicer now than it used to be, but it still wants things to be perfect for the bride!
This wedding will be a little different than any other, though. It’s the wedding of my actual literal oldest friend. Really. Our moms were friends before we were even a thought. We’ve been friends for all but 34 days of my life while she wasn’t born yet. It’s crazy to think I’ve known someone–outside of family–for that long. And, to top it off, we’re still friends.
Picture the pre-digital photo montage here (I have no idea where any of my actual photos are; sad, huh?) and be grateful there are no embarrassing photos to show for this long friendship!
Well, maybe just one.