Shake It Up

I kicked off the new year with Bible Gateway, a site that emails daily verses and breaks the Bible down into a 365-day reading plan. It was perfect. It came straight to my email, and although it was a little lenghty for a jumping off point, I was enjoying it. Until I got behind. Then I got more and more behind. Then I pretty much fell off the wagon.

Until Thursday. 
I changed routes, but I’m lovin’ the new path I’m taking. She Reads Truth uses the YouVersion reading plans along with journaling, drawing (I won’t be sharing many of mine), and some Twitter and Instagram link ups to help keep me accountable.

She Reads Truth


I also started using a gratitude journal app Thursday. I don’t always take the time to sit down and write out what I’m thankful for, but when I do, my whole perspective changes. My goal is to do this several times a week. The fonts, ability to add photos, etc make it really nice to use. 


So, here it is in red and white. I’m attempting to get back on track. I’m not totally done with the Bible Gateway thing, but I’m not going to make it in 365 days as originally planned.

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