I always love to read posts about what others are diggin’ on, so today’s the day I share my own. The most recent ones I’ve read are here and here. I love hearing about what others are into and finding new favorites of my own!
These are in no particular order.
1. My new kicks: I’m lovin’ my new running shoes! We haven’t been very far yet, but our inaugural run was so much better than what I had been running in prior to their arrival. I went to Run On! in San Antonio and got fitted for them; best thing I’ve ever done running-wise.
2. Smash: My mom introduced me to the pilot before the show actually started last Monday. I haven’t had time to watch the latest episode, but I already know I’m hooked. I love pretty much all things musicals, so this is right up my alley!
3. C3: I have felt giddy and excited in the weeks leading up to C3. It’s like I’m a kid going to camp. I can’t wait to learn, get ideas, and come back fired up for The Kingdom! (We’re on our way there now!)
4. Man vs. Wife: Our current series at Revolution is Man vs. Wife. I love being challenged to be a better wife. I want to love, honor, and serve my husband to the best of my ability! Need a place to start? Read Philippians 2:1-11. Pray to see where you fall short serving your spouse. Pray to see your spouse as Jesus sees him/her.
5. Adoption Blogs: In the past few weeks, I have gotten to read about sweet Emme coming home, Camp’s face being known, and so much more! I love that these mamas share their stories!
6. Retreauxgirl: I got two pieces of jewelry from Retreauxgirl for my birthday. I love them both! I get compliments on each piece when I wear it. She puts “junk” together to make some great wearables! Annie and I shopped with her at The Barn Sale this November. I hope she comes back next year so I can stock up.
7. Weddings: We’re in a wedding phase of our friendships again. We have four weddings in the very near future (between now and July) and another couple of engagements. I love weddings–I love to be in them, help plan them, host showers for them, decorate, coordinate, give directions, be OCD. I love watching new couples start their lives together as one.
8. Family: Baby Gray is at such a fun age. He loves to dance, sing, play with us, love on us, talk to us, and just bring joy to our lives. It is so awesome to see Baby Gray grown and learn each day.
I love my boys!