Last Sunday morning, I was chatting with an older couple at church while they waited for the service to start. I asked them if they were excited about the Super Bowl, and the woman said she was excited for The Voice afterwards. I had no idea what she was talking about, so I asked for details. She gave me an account of what the show is like, she named the judges (I don’t know who they are at this point; they were some names I recognized, but people I wouldn’t), and gave me a rundown. Huh, I thought.
I found it really funny that someone older than my parents was more “in touch” than I am. I don’t watch TV (I stream a few shows) or the news, I don’t read any major headlines, and, basically, if it isn’t on Twitter or Facebook, I probably didn’t hear about it. As our famous line from this summer’s beach trip goes, “Do they play that on KLOVE?” If not, I probably won’t recognize it. I’m out of touch, and I’m okay with that.
Fast forward to yesterday. David Grace, a musician friend of ours posted on his Facebook page that he had auditioned for The Voice and that it might be a good idea to watch the February 13th episode. David sang at our wedding, and we still love to hear him play.
Photo by Sledd Weddings
I’m so excited for the opportunities this will create for him. In a matter of seven days, I’ll go from never having heard of The Voice to tuning in; you should, too. It’s on NBC at 7:00 pm.