Every year at Christmas, and occasionally throughout the year as well, I make Puppy Chow (people call it other names: Muddy Buddies, etc.) for us to enjoy throughout all our Christmas festivities.
I always use whatever Chex I have left over from the Chex Mix I make. I usually mix and match Rice Chex and Corn Chex for the Puppy Chow since the Wheat Chex are pretty crispy.
This posed a little problem with this year’s batch of Puppy Chow. I had a little of this Simply Jif leftover, and I wanted to use the rest of the jar. However, since natural peanut butter tends to separate when it sits, I should have realized it would also separate when heated. I noticed it when I first pulled the mixture out of the microwave, but I didn’t think much of it. However, once I mixed the chocolate mixture with the Chex and poured in the powdered sugar, the powdered sugar was not enough to soak up the oil. I ended up using almost triple the recipe amount of powdered sugar in order to get it to coat.
Want to make some yourself? Here you go!
Puppy Chow
You will need:
9 cups Chex (any kind; I use Rice & Corn)
1/4 cup butter
1 – 6 ounce package semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar (I almost always end up using more; this year for sure)
1 tsp vanilla
- Measure cereal in to large bowl with lid; set aside
- Put butter, chocolate chips, and peanut butter into microwave bowl
- Microwave uncovered one minute; stir
- Microwave in 30 seconds longer or until mixture can be stirred smooth
- Stir in vanilla
- Pour chocolate mixture over cereal in bowl
- Stir until cereal is well-coated
- Add powdered sugar
- Snap lid on tightly and shake until all cereal is coated with powdered sugar
- Allow to cool
- Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator
This is really one of my favorite snacks! I saw it pre-made at HEB the other day, but I was scared it wouldn’t be as good, so I didn’t buy any. As easy as this is, there isn’t much reason to buy it pre-made.