I’ve managed to maintain my minimum of one book a month goal so far. I’ve been posting my books as I read them so I don’t forget what I read. I haven’t added any reviews, so I’ll add a few now.
by Emma Donoghue is probably my favorite book so far this year. It was told from a child’s point of view, and I loved every aspect of it! She did a fabulous job!
Bringing Up Boys
by Dr. James Dobson is definitely my least favorite book so far. I agree with Dr. Dobson on several aspects, but many things he says just hit me like nails on a chalkboard. I don’t think I’ll be reading anything of his again for a while.
I’m starting the new Jen Lancaster book today. It’s fiction instead of a memoir, so I’m not sure how that will be, but I’ve always loved all her previous work. Mr. Gray was so sweet: he pre-ordered If You Were Here
for me a month or so ago! I got it this week as I was finishing up another book, Have You Found Her?
by Janice Erlbaum. That was a great memoir, albeit a little long (not number of pages, specifically, but wordy in some places). It took me longer than I would have liked to read it because I kept forgetting to take it with me. That’s where I find myself liking iBooks more and more.