Somehow, I always have WAY more coupons in my bag than I am ever actually able to use. Yesterday, for example, I had about six Pampers
coupons that were all going to expire at the end of the day. While I’m in the store, I usually put coupons of things I don’t buy with the item on the shelf in the store. If I see someone with diapers in their basket that I know I have a coupon for, I’ll find one to give them.
Yesterday as I was approaching the diaper aisle, a lady was walking away with a box of diapers. I hastily dug for a coupon and gave her the first one I found. It was a $2.00 manufacturer’s coupon. Her face lit up, and she said, “You just gave me two dollars!” It made my day. It is truly better to give than receive.
As I got all the coupons out to decide what I needed to buy, I found a Target coupon for $7.00 off (you can use one Target coupon and one manufacturer’s coupon for each item). I stopped what I was doing and went to try to find her. I walked the store several times. I couldn’t imagine the joy should would experience with an additional $7.00 coupon–a total of $9.00.
I never found her. It made me a little sad. I really wanted her to have that coupon. It expired yesterday. I hope someone picked it up and used it (I left it in the diaper aisle).