Baby Gray had his six-month well baby appointment today. He weighed in at 17 pounds, 1 ounce, which is in the 35th percentile. He’s a whopping 26.25 inches long, which is in the 36th percentile. His noggin is 17.25 inches, which is in the 46th percentile. He’s definitely a growing boy, but she had me switch the order I’m feeding solids and milk to see if we can get him to get back on his growth curve a little. We’ll go back in a month to check out his weight.
The nurse who does his shots is lightning fast, and I love it. Baby Gray doesn’t really cry except for a second. He’s such a trooper!
Today he got Bugs Bunny Band-Aids–three of them. He’s never pulled on them or touched them before, but, today, he pulled two out of three off to play with them. He was very interested in the sticky side.
I am still really liking our sweet doctor. She is thorough in checking Baby Gray out without being exhausting, and she talks to me as though I have a little bit of a clue. I really love that! Baby Gray likes her, too. He “talks” to her and plays with whatever tool she’s attempting to check him out with. I feel so blessed to have found a doctor I really trust and like. It’s a relationship we’ll have for quite a while–might as well be a good one!