This hippo was the biggest challenge of our Christmas with Mr. Gray’s family. It weighs 250+ pounds, and we had to load it to take it to Toots’ house. A friend’s husband came over and they got it done.
Another challenge: Toots moved into a much smaller house this year, so we weren’t sure how things were going to work out space-wise. With a few card tables and extra chairs, things were perfect.
Baby Gray was the center of attention. He was such a ham!
Baby Gray slept through most of presents. Once we all walked outside to present the hippo, he woke up! Aunt K had to help him out until Mr. Gray and I got back inside.
Once we got home, I woke my sleepy boy up to put out cookies and milk for Santa and open his Christmas Eve gift. Traditionally, we get PJs for our Christmas Eve gift, and Baby Gray’s first was no different.
We had a great Christmas Eve, and we got up bright and early to celebrate with family again the next day!