Baby Gray has been sleeping in our room in his Pack ‘n Play since he got home from the hospital. He has been consistently sleeping through the night, so Mr. Gray and I decided it might be a good time to transition him to his room.
We usually swaddle him at 8:00 and put him down; he doesn’t get up until somewhere in the 5:30-7:00 neighborhood. We hoped this would continue when we put him in his “big boy bed” in his room.
He did awesome! He went right to sleep; we were able to check on him with our hand-held video monitor (thanks, Aunt Cookie) until we went to bed.
Then we were able to watch him on the screen by our bed. He slept wonderfully until his tummy started to hurt about 4:00; he got a little restless and couldn’t sleep so I went and camped out in the recliner in his room.
Monday night, he slept all the way through the night and didn’t wake up until morning! He’s such a blessing!