1. Sometimes I am just so amazed by God. He is so into the details that I can’t even comprehend it all.
2. Sometimes I write a little bit of ridiculousness and post it other places on the web (read here).
3. Sometimes a cupcake is the only answer.
4. Sometimes my lifeline is a group text message.
5. Sometimes I don’t realize how big something is until someone else points it out. Then I’m pretty darn proud of myself.
6. Sometimes my husband’s dry erase words on our mirror are all I need to have a great day.
7. Sometimes wishes come true.
8. Sometimes a happy cry and a sad cry are really the same cry.
9. Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t apply to Duke when I graduated from high school. Just to know if I would have gotten in or not.
10. Sometimes the best laid plans come crashing down into something more beautiful than they were before.