Some mornings, I just sit back and realize how blessed I am to have this life. I am able to enjoy time with my son and my husband each day. I am able to work and do things I enjoy from our home. We live close to our families, so we get to see them regularly as well. I am living the life I prayed for oh-so long ago.
There are days I forget that, though. I become angry or frustrated too easily or start to feel burn out setting in. Those days, I just have to remind myself of the good, the blessings. Take a few deep breaths, pray, cruise with the music on blast and the sunroof open, write, and just refocus on what matters.
Love this. Happiness is found in remembering, I think more and more.
I feel the same way, Jolie! And yet I have to remind myself, often, of all the blessings in my life. It's all how we look at it. 🙂