I’ve been swimming a few mornings a week trying to get ready for the event I signed up for after I lost my mind my triathlon.
I was able to find a pool with childcare, which makes my life a million times easier! They only have childcare during their classes, though, so my swim time coincides with water aerobics class. The average age for this class is approximately 72 (speculation: not an actual mathematically calculated average).
We usually finish up about the same time, and I get to hear the ladies talk about life a little. What I’ve learned from these gals, even just in passing, is invaluable. I’ll take life lessons over swimming lessons any day. Each of them has a zest for life. They are excited to be taking care of themselves and up and on the move. Every single one of them has a story and an obstacle that they’ve overcome. It is so encouraging to seem them living their lives to the fullest. They’re not sitting around moping about how old they are or feeling sorry for themselves as some people that are older sometimes do. They’re not wallowing in circumstances. I love it. I can only hope I’ll be rockin’ it when I’m 72–and hopefully much sooner!
I love all the water aerobics ladies. They always look like they are having so much fun. If you need any swimming help let me know. It's the one sport I'm good at.
HAHA! It's the one that's most likely to kill me. I cannot coordinate my breathing. We'll see how it goes.
Maybe I should join this group!!