This edition of Fashion Friday is brought to you by the number two (I know, I know… I promise I’m almost finished with that).
In some mushy gushy part of my brain, this name on the back of his jersey kind of did me in. It makes my heart swell with pride, nostalgia, and all sorts of emotions. It definitely took me back when I first saw it. Back to his daddy with the same name on his jersey. Back to game days when we were younger. Back to a baseball diamond (yes, I know this is a football jersey) where my husband’s heart is. Back to Friday night lights. Back to freezing in the bleachers. Back to Luling in the rain. Back to road trips and pit stops. Back to friends and teammates. These four letters take me back.
A few days later, in true Baby Gray style, these four letters remind me we have a lot to look forward to, too!
I had other photos for today, but I think these two pretty much perfectly sum up this week.