Every now and then, I do a little heart check to make sure I’m in the right place when I write. Prompted by yesterday’s message at Rev, it’s that time again.
Yesterday’s message was Stuff for Single Ladies, but I took so much away from it. Kelly Dykstra spoke so clearly to me about being a blessing to others. She was using it in terms of Facebook status updates and such, but since I don’t do much of that, I’m checking my heart here, where I am. Why do I write? I write to share God’s blessings in our life; I write for the shared experiences with distant friends and family; I write for memories to share with Baby Gray.
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
2 Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,
–Psalm 107:1-2 (emphasis mine)
I want this to be a living testimony of the amazing things God does in our hearts and lives. I want to tell our story. We have so much to be grateful for, whether it’s a simple story about Baby Gray petting a dead hog (with my teenage nephew who doesn’t mind hanging out with his uncle, aunt, and baby cousin on a Saturday afternoon–blessing!) or a scripture God has laid on my heart. Sometimes it’s a recipe or a craft; others it’s just an anecdote that might help other moms, wives, friends, sisters, etc know that someone else is living what they’re living! I’m not always deep, or specifically biblical, but I do believe my heart for sharing is right.
Revolution Worship Band Plays Rolling In The Deep from Revolution Church on Vimeo.