Pay It Forward

Today I had some errands to run in New Braunfels, so, of course that meant I’d be having lunch at Chick-fil-a. I tried to plan it so that I wouldn’t be there in the middle of the lunch run, but I shopped a little too long at Target (imagine that).
When I get to Chick-fil-a, cars are wrapped around the building and every parking spot is filled. A lady in a truck let me in front of her in the drive through line. I waved and was appreciative. There was no way to let her back into her spot, so I decided to pay for her lunch at the window. As I handed the girl my card, I told her to run it for mine as well as for the car behind me. The look on her face was unforgettable and had, “WHY?” written all over it! It was as if she had never seen a kind gesture before. She asked me several times if I were sure I wanted to pay for the other vehicle. Each time, I reassured her I did. I kept telling her to tell the lady behind me thank you for letting me into the line. The clerk wasn’t getting it at all. Finally, in one last attempt, she said, “Ma’am, hers is sixteen dollars.” 
I just looked at her, smiled, and asked her again to run my card for the car behind me. “Be sure to tell her thank you,” I said one more time. I don’t know if she told her thank you, but I know that I love it when people do things like that for me. I hope she enjoyed her lunch, and I hope the clerk took something bigger from the action than just the fact that I spent an extra sixteen dollars at lunch.


  1. Linked over from Shellis blog-this is so awesome! I've had it done for me-coincidently at Chick Fil A.

    Also not sure if you remember me..but you and my sister played softball together 🙂 Congrats on your pregnancy.

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