The man in this photo was an amazing man. He took care of his wife, daughters, and granddaughters. They were always his first priority. He loved golfing, playing dominoes (if he didn’t beat you, it’s because he wasn’t playing), and caring for his yard. He was a deacon in the church, and he lived like it each day. He loved his God, and he’s gone to be with him now. His hip no longer hurts, and he’s been re-united with the love of his life! They’re dancing now, and she’s singing a beautiful song for him.
My Papa was such a special man. While I’m sad he’s gone from us, I’m so excited that he’s gone to be with his Father, and that he’s been re-united with Grammie (he can even hear her now, because her voice is strong and beautiful and his ears hear loud and clear). He will be deeply missed by all those who knew him and those whose lives he touched along his path.
I can’t wait to hear all the stories people will tell about him at the funeral; people save the best stories to tell posthumously. I’ll treasure those stories to share with Baby Gray, who will be Papa’s first male descendant. I’m so sad he didn’t get to meet Baby Gray; he was so excited when he found out. We’ll share all the stories and pictures of Papa with him when he’s older so that he can know what a great man and role model his Papa was.
He really was one of the best men I have ever had the privilege of know. Im even luckier that he was my grandfather. We were all luck to have him in our lives and really, things will never be the same. I am so sad that he won't get to meet Baby Gray. But I know he will be smiling down. I love you girl. This is a beautiful post.
So sorry to hear about your Papa Jolie. I'm praying for you and your family.
This is so sweet, Jolie.
I couldn't have said it better. "Grammie" and Papa were such special people and had a profound influence on my life. They are both missed very much.